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Give parents and professionals the flexibility they need to give adults with IDD the help they deserve

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Legislators who care about adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) but are also concerned about costs can take important steps NOW.

  • Make sure that state regulators track gaps in services and develop a response

  • Ensure that salaries for those helping adults with IDD keep step with inflation

  • Press state officials to eliminate unnecessary regulations.


Adults with IDD face MASSIVE SERVICE SHORTFALLS because wages have stagnated for a decade. The wages paid with service providers have remained flat for a decade. Advocates are now working hard to secure a long-overdue and desperately needed $415M infusion to stabilize services for them. But we understand that this became much more difficult when Governor Shapiro did not include the funds needed in his budget, and that legislators are wary of increasing budgets still more.

Legislators can still take important steps to help them without adding ONE DIME to the budget. We know that legislators care about the welfare of adults with IDD and those who support them.  What can they do? They can pass HB 661 and SB 684 to ensure that wages paid to providers do not fall even further behind. And they can eliminate unnecessary regulations that prevent providers from operating more efficiently. These steps will give parents and providers the flexibility they need to give adults with IDD the help they deserve.

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Reach out to your legislator today

Urge them to move HB 661 and SB 684 NOW to a full vote before the end of the current session to finally require that rates paid to providers are regularly reviewed.


And urge them to work with us THIS FALL to close service gaps and undo unnecessary regulations imposed by state officials that prevent families and providers from using the funds allocated to them as efficiently as possible.

This will keep the problems created by chronic wage gaps from worsening.

If we cannot begin to heal, we can at least stop the bleeding

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