House approves Senate budget, cementing 7% cut to IDD waivers for 2023-24There is no way to sugar coat the final outcome: we expect that advocates will feel that many state leaders turned their backs this year...
Senate sends budget back to the House, CUTTING $4M MORE from IDD waivers Despite Wednesday's rally, the Senate refused to restore the $168M cut made by the House. The result? Adults with IDD could receive $20M...
Capacity could shrink by 15-25% when cuts, new enrollees, and inflation are accounted for There is no magical solution except to restore the $168M cut and make sure wages keep pace with the market. The budget proposal approved...
State officials cite underutilization to justify proposed cuts to services needed by adults with IDDAdults with IDD used less services because they could not access them, not because they did not need them. And the gaps in services will...
PA House approves $168M cut to IDD services slipped in by State officials Unless the Senate restores these funds in their budget, DHS WILL make the system of services collapse Late last week, we learned that the...