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Enrollment for 2022-23 is now open
Parents have until August 1st to notify their school district Yesterday, Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) posted the official...
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It is official! Youths with IEPs who turned 21 will be offered an extra year
It is now official! The omnibus Education Bill - HB 1642 - passed by the House and the Senate on July 7th was signed by House and Senate...
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We are halfway there!
We are delighted to report that, late yesterday afternoon (July 7th), the PA House of Representatives formally approved an additional...
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Will you honor Act 66's promise to youths with disabilities?
Legislation to fix gaps in Act 66 is the right thing to do for youths with disabilities, and the parents and educators dedicated to them....
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Time To call your legislators about SB 1276, HB 2674, and other possible actions
Whether we have a separate bill or it is attached to other legislation, lawmakers need to make fixing Act 66 their priority.... We are so...
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Case closed: Many youths with disabilities WERE denied the extra year needed to recoup from COVID
At least 1500 parents of 18 to 21 year-olds likely believed their youth needed another year to catch up; few if any IEP teams awarded it...
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Act 66 made the difference for Allison
The extra year of school helped one young woman recoup progress lost to COVID, turning her education - and perhaps her future - around....
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Youths with more significant I/DD have the fewest options for recouping progress lost to COVID
Their I/DD magnified COVID’s impact: an extra year of school is only real option for most youths in their final two years of eligibility...
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COVID's staggering toll on community-based training for youths with disabilities
Transition-age youths likely lost another 1-2 days worth of community-based training for every day lost because schools were closed....
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Right now, Act 66 discriminates against youths with disabilities
Denied an extra year of pubic school solely on the basis of their disability, youths with disabilities are separate and unequal under Act...
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Special education protections failed to shield youths with disabilities from COVID’s impact
It was unrealistic to expect parents to rely on IDEA's protections to recoup schooling lost to COVID. It was no surprise that few did....
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Act 66 HAS left behind most youths with more significant disabilities
Some claim that everyone with disabilities was shielded from COVID’s impact by Act 66. This is NOT TRUE!! So why does this myth persist?...
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Such a simple and effective solution for youths with disabilities!
Act 66 left behind some of Pennsylvania's students most impacted by COVID - youths with significant developmental disabilities who will...
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