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More about Peter Doehring 

For almost 25 years, Peter Doehring's career centered on designing and leading research-based programs across multiple sectors seeking to scale up education and treatment services to people on the Autism spectrum. This includes

More about Peter Doehring

Developing and then leading programs of early screening and intervention (Douglas Hospital / McGill University)

Leading a specialized statewide public school program (Delaware Autism Program) 

Developing and then leading one of the few specialized inpatient treatment program in the country for adolescents with autism and related conditions in behavioral crisis (Foundations Behavioral Health)

Peter's work in academic settings during this time focused on translating research into practice and policy at meaningful scales and disseminating this knowledge through professional development. This includes 

Helping to update and then teaching a courses as part of a graduate level Autism Teacher Certification in Delaware

Helped to lead the development of an Autism research registry funded by the National Institutes of Health

Leading an interdisciplinary training program focused on Autism funded by the Maternal Child Health Bureau

Co-leading Pennsylvania's statewide Act Early team, funded by the Center's for Disease Control

Leading Pennsylvania's ASERT resource centers funded by Pennsylvania's Bureau of Autism Services

Helping to develop a proposal for innovative program for transition aged students at Drexel, eventually funded with a $3.5 million anonymous donor

Peter has published two books on Autism: a widely used volume on evidence-based practices in autism (with a 2nd edition soon to be published), and the first systematic review of national and statewide programs. He has a dozen peer-reviewed research articles, and has presented more than 75 papers at 

Helping to develop and then teacher Lehigh's first online course focused on Autism

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